Andreas Larsson

Two things strike you the first time you meet Andreas. The first is his deep Nordic focus and seriousness: after just a few minutes observing him, you clearly feel that Andreas brings the same focused passion to good food and fine beverages as a Mercedes engineer brings to Formula 1 engines. The second thing you notice, a few minutes later, is his (somehow) very Mediterranean passion and quest for the best things in life: the experience of beauty that you find in a truly flabbergasting wine or a perfect wine-food pairing for instance is obviously something that resonates to the very core of Andreas’s being.

It is that combination of professionalism and absolute passion for what he is doing that makes us feel so lucky to be working with Andreas. Add to these a great sense of humour, serious cooking skills(Andreas is a trained chef), a talent for jazz guitar – and there you have Andreas Larsson, professional sommelier (he is the wine director at the renowned restaurant PM &Vänner in Växjö, Sweden), tasting prodigy, and truly awesome friend.

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